Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

The World's 7 Strangest Fish

The World's 7 Strangest Fish
1.       Four-eyed fish

This fish belongs to the genus anablepidae the fish that live in estuaries southern Mexico to southern South America . This fish can only live in freshwater and brackish water . They have eyes located on the top of the head and is divided into two distinct parts , so they can see the water surface and under water at the same time . This fish actually has only 2 pieces of eye , but both eyes are located at the head level is divided into 2 parts , namely the top and bottom are separated by a thin layer of tissue . each eye has its own pupils . upper part of the eye to see in the air ( above the waterline ) and down to look into the water . thickness of the lens of the eye top and bottom are different, getting to the bottom getting thinner .
2.       red -lipped bat fish ( Red Lipped Batfish )

This fish looks like wearing lipstick . These fish live in the waters of the Galapagos Islands . Red Lipped Batfish are poor swimmers , so she uses her flippers to walk on the ocean floor . When it began to grow up , dorsal fin fish will be united with his spine so it will look attractive to their prey .
3.       spookfish ( ghost fishing ) This fish has a face that is quite scary ..

but there is no further explanation . only explain about barreleye .
4.       Barreleye Fish - genus Macropinna microstoma ( Transparent Head Fish )

Still a family with ghost fish , this fish has a transparent head convex and contains clear fluid . The base of the eyes in his head and organs clearly visible from the outside . There are two mounds of yellow-green color like half an egg yolk in the rear base of the eye . The second object was believed to serve as the eyes . Behind the two " yellow object " was spotted cream-colored fibers such as meat that is pale tissue . With the size of large fins , making her stay balanced . He lived right on the bottom line of sunlight penetrating ability ocean depths . In that position makes him invisible clearly by the animals in the vicinity. Predators and prey are hiding themselves above could not see it . But this fish is able to look up because it can be played straight into his eyes Sepan or upwards . . It's pretty amazing . The researchers believe , yellowish- green eyes that has evolved to form a light filter which allows to ignore the sunlight and can see the light berpedar of small fish and jellyfish which is a favorite food . So , what is the function of the two ' eyes ' on the front ? According to experts , the real fish eyes it is nales , sense of smell like a man's nostrils Barrelfish have a liquid crystal in the eye , which is located on a small spot on a membrane . If the liquid crystal was broken , his eyes would get very strong pressure and conditions that would kill him . Therefore , we know that the pressure in the sea at a depth of 600 meters down is very powerful and deadly .
5.       Flying Fish ( Flying Fish )

Exocoetidae or flying fish are marine fish familia comprising about 50 species grouped in 7 to 9 genera . Flying fish are found in all major oceans , particularly in tropical and subtropical waters in the Atlantic , Pacific and Indian oceans . Its main characteristics are the most prominent is a large chest fins , allowing the fish glide briefly flew in the air , above the surface of the water , to escape from predators . They usually launch around 50 meters so far , but they could use a boost on the edge of the waves can reach distances up to at least 400m
6.       Fish Teeth and Tongue ManHuman Teeth Fish .

A fisherman in the United States absurdly surprised when the fish caught that , even mengigitnya toned . She of course screamed and upon inspection is similar to fish teeth to bite humans . As reported by the 24 September 2010 edition , Frank Yarborough was fishing in Lake Wylie , South Carolina . Not long ago threw a hook , a fish bites the bait and get caught . Frank absurdly excited because of the fish caught was really great . Dark color and weighs about 5 pounds with a length of nearly two feet . Yarborough suspect it was a catfish . He then put his hand into the water to retrieve the fish . However , he was shocked and screamed as loud as didigit bitten humans . Having examined the fish was indeed a rare rada . Diamemiliki teeth like incisors , molars and tusks like those of humans . Unlike the fish in the lake in general . Rare fish was caught and taken home . Yarborough has not occurred to fry . Is still stored in the refrigerator . Biologists believe the fish was probably raised in an exotic pool . Robert Stroud , a freshwater fisheries biologist Department of Natural Resources in South Carolina , has confirmed the existence of the fish samples . Fish samples had been sent to determine what type of fish species mysterious .
7.       Handfish ( Fish -handed )

 Sightings of this fish looks prominence in the 1990s and this fish is one of the latest types of fish other handed . This seemed odd because the fish do not swim and it explains why that is the location of fish in the ocean floor . Which strangely they use their " hands " who should be the fins to walk . Location of the fish found in the area of ​​Tasmania , Australia's island . Her skin was coated denticle ( a kind of rough scales / toothed - gear ) so that he was nicknamed warty anglers ( Wart = warts ) . size is about 15cm .

This fish belongs to the genus anablepidae the fish that live in estuaries southern Mexico to southern South America . This fish can only live in freshwater and brackish water . They have eyes located on the top of the head and is divided into two distinct parts , so they can see the water surface and under water at the same time . This fish actually has only 2 pieces of eye , but both eyes are located at the head level is divided into 2 parts , namely the top and bottom are separated by a thin layer of tissue . each eye has its own pupils . upper part of the eye to see in the air ( above the waterline ) and down to look into the water . thickness of the lens of the eye top and bottom are different, getting to the bottom getting thinner .

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