Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Places are made ​​to not visit
Historic caves in France to the famous Area 51
Much mystery has not been revealed in various parts of the world . You may have visited a lot of places , especially for a true traveler , but some places are made to be banned for a general audience . Here TalkMen summarize seven forbidden and mysterious places in the world :

RAF Menwith Hill , England

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This place is rumored as a headquarters supervisor and became the world's largest supplier of information about terrorist activities for the UK and the USA . Surrounded by barbed wire along nearly five miles , RAF Menwith Hill has the ability to access e - mails , telephone calls and faxes from around the world . This place is new even appear in Google Maps for some time after a long process .

Bohemian Grove , United States

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Every July, some officials and people who have a high standing in from around the world gathered at the campground in California . The event lasts for two weeks , where important people were present conduct covert activities that they refer to as " an escape from their usual culture " . They gather at Bohemian Grove , and rumors began to spread that occurs in secret places. Alex Jones , a radio host origin USA never dismantle the Bohemian Grove all-out , and even include video depicting satanic ritual in place . I wonder what happened in that place , is still a secret which has not been revealed until now .

Lascaux Caves , France

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Contains more than 600 ancient paintings , Lascaux Caves discovered by a group of youths in 1940 . This discovery is surprising the world , even to this day is referred to as the most amazing ancient art . Not only scientists and researchers , this place is also attracting the interest of tourists from all over the world . But increasing numbers began to look worried and feared would undermine the existing condition of the painting , so this place is closed to the public until now .

Pine Gap , Australia

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This place is probably the only area which is banned in Australia . Became the headquarters of the Joint Defence Space Research Facility , reportedly workers there are in this place is a combination of members of the Australian military and the CIA . A sign posted at this place , read " Turn Around Now" . No one knows exactly what activities are happening at Pine Gap , but there are rumors that the place is busy with military satellite operations .

Metro 2 , Russia

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Stalin was good at hiding things , even on a large scale though . Metro 2 is one of the proof , the place where alternative transportation for members of the KGB ( Soviet security agency owned ) are provided . Metro 2 or also known as D - 6 project , the underground railroad is reportedly located under the streets of Moscow , although its existence was never confirmed . Surely , Metro 2 will be a safe hiding place for the KGB if nuclear war actually broke out .

Room 39 , North Korea

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Since built in 1970 , still no one who can confirm specifically what the contents of Room 39 or Bureau 39 is sometimes called . There is a widespread rumor that Room 39 is where North Korea conducted counterfeiting and money laundering , and other illicit transactions . Room 39 is where Kim Jong - Un can continue his power to buy political support and help to fund a nuclear weapons program .

Area 51 , United States

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Almost everyone familiar with Area 51 , because this place has even become an inspiration for several movies featuring aliens and UFOs . Although it has been known throughout the world , Area 51 and the activities in it is still a big mystery and no one ever revealed about what happened in it so far . For decades , Area 51 is very strong connection with the conspiracy theory issues . The uniqueness of a place within 134 miles of Las Vegas itself is the main attraction for tourists , so Area 51 is often crowded with tourists from all over the world .

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