Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

10 Things In mythology who turns It Really There

10 Things In mythology who turns It Really There
In this modern world there are so many stories , stories to things mystical or mythology who appears in various forms such as films , literature or just a mere conversation . Therefore, we often think of all the things it was not real , but it turns out in the world there are some things in the mythology that actually exists or can be said to have a similar thing in the real world .

10 . Hobbit

If you ever watch the movie Lord of the Rings , then there is a race of human-like it's just not as high as the high man with only a third or a half- human, the race known as the Hobbit or dwarfs . An excavation on the island of Flores , Indonesia resulted in the discovery will resemble a human skeleton just looks too high and only a third man.

From here there are two conclusions that can be drawn , whether it is true that there is a race whose lifestyles are different from ordinary people and known by the hobbits , or it is due to the growth of human disturbance such as microcephaly associated ( disruption or growth abnormalities ) .

9 . Dvaraka City of Krishna

According to legend , Krishna ( a Hindu god on par with the Lord Jesus ) authority over the city Dvaraka or Dwarka and eventually he was swallowed by the sea . For the Hindus , finding the Lost City of Dvaraka was like finding the Holy Grail Testament or . The city is different from the modern city of Dwarka in India , in the city of Dvaraka was supervised by the Krishna legend .

Archaeological finds an offshore city in India which is similar to the description in the legend . With rocks which indicate that it is indeed Dvaraka and also turns out it is one of the oldest cities in the history that is supervised by the Supreme Lord Krishna .

8 . Amazon women

Amazon woman described as a very powerful form of feminine and feminist do not depict the defeat of the male fighters . Sejarawab a Greek named Herodotus wrote a story where the Amazon women married to men Scythian ( a tribe of horsemen Eurasia ) . Amazon women approve the marriage of girls as long as they are allowed to follow the tradition of the female fighters .

If there is no definitive evidence regarding this story then of course this story would not be believed . But it turns out there is real evidence , which is a grave which was found in the Eurasian grassland which shows that nature has a Scythian warrior woman as described in the Amazon Women . They were found to have bone exposed wounds of war and buried with swords , arrows , knives and other evidence of struggle .

7 . Dragons

Although the shape is not really like dragons we imagined , but we do not know where did the actual authenticity of the dragon form that we imagine it . It may be the original form of an animal that developed really have the name ' Dragon ' in its name , the Komodo Dragon is better known as the Komodo dragon or Komodo alone , and can be found on the island of Komodo , Indonesia . But we are not talking about this animal , but his ancestors Komodo , namely Megalania .

Is a giant lizard that can grow hinga 8 meters and weigh up to 1.9 tons . Megalania is no less deadly as the dragon in the movies or literature stories , the bite victim will be exposed to a very deadly poison and bleed until he died , which would make her bite is slowly rotting meat .

Kraken is a mythological creature that dwells in the sea with a terrible ferocity and shape . But apparently inspired from a trusted Kraken squid . The squid was shaped like the kraken , but if the amount is different where the kraken can easily destroy the ship .

This might make sense if we do not talk about the squid generally are small but giant squid or the Colossal Squid . With a length of 14 meters and can measure in hand and eyes are much larger than other large squid . Giant squid is often depicted fighting the whale . Yes , if we talk about this squid he was intending to do it , then he can give damage to the ship .

5 . Captain Ahab and Moby Dick
Moby Dick inspired from sperm whale ( Sperm Whale or Whale Head Box ) giant white colored . It is real , even the original was more virulent than the story . He called Mocha Dick , in which the pope has managed to beat up a hundred whaling ships , even he had to face three whaling ships at once and managed to beat him .

Captain Ahab himself is portrayed as a captain of an infatuated to hunt Moby Dick . Captain Ahab is apparently inspired from a man who lived in the same era with Mocha Dick , the Captain Pollard . Pollard also ship captain idhancurkan by a whale , which eventually forced him and his crew to cannibalism in order to survive . After surviving, he returned to sea with a new boat . Unfortunately , his ship sank again , this time by a storm and ended up spending the rest of his life he became a guard .

4 . Scylla and Charybdis

Odysseus , a famous Greek king would tack Trojan Horse ( Trojan Horse ) is on his voyage to go through a narrow strait that have monsters on both banks of land . On the one hand was Scylla , a many -headed monster that is ready to attack if approached and the crew on the other side was Charybdis , a sea monster attacking ships by dragging them to the depths of the sea through the whirlpool . Odysseus finally decided to approach the Scylla than Charybdis because it will lose a little better than all the ships crew .

Straits of Messina ( Messina bay ) located between Sicily and mainland Italy is believed this Scylla and Charybdis lived . Charybdis whirlpool actually is indeed just that without the monster , and the current was weaker than that described in the legend . On the other side of the bay there are rocky cliffs that inspired the head of Scylla .

3 . Berserker

Berserker is a warrior in ancient Norse mythology who is said to be in a fight when the characteristics of a very wild , uncontrolled and as a rampage , they are fighters or soldiers who feared until now because no matter how much they hurt they are not concerned with one purpose , namely to kill anyone who exist in their views . So where did this power come from?

It turns out this story is actually real . Berserker or state can be achieved by consuming a medicine before the war that can provide a sense of hangover , similar to hallucinogens . This will make them fearless , pain and become stronger . Drugs like bufotenin believed to produce something similar .

2 . tower of Babel

It is said that the King of Modern Babylon , Nebuchadnezzar II , trying to make a very high tower with the goal of achieving the existence of Heaven and then the wrath of God , the tower was destroyed by his power . You can see the same thing here .

It just is not like the rest of the debris that destroyed the tower of Babel God . This is a ziggurat ( giant structures like Pyramid ) , for the temple god Marduk ( Babylonian sun god ) which was destroyed by Alexander the Great ( Macedonian King who managed to create one of the largest empire in ancient history ) .

Alexander then try to rebuild this place to bring up his name , but did not succeed because he died before the completion of the development . After that a lot of people trying to rebuild something similar but failed before completion . This place is like describing the inability of humans to work together to build one thing .

1 . Imoogi

Imoogi derived from Korean legend , is said to be a creature resembling a giant snake and dragon equivalent ( dragon ) . Imoogi This is a candidate likened the dragon in the end if he can survive for thousands of years , it will turn into an actual dragon form and ultimately go to heaven .

Although this fact is not to be in Korea , but South America , it is said that there was a giant python that mistakenly perceived as a young dragon . This is the forerunner of Imoogi mnejadi . This giant python was Titanoboa with a length of about 14 meters and weighing more than 1 ton . This creature can swallow a man without any round object in her stomach bulge . Fortunately , these creatures have been extinct for a long time about 58-60 million years ago .

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