Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

7 Most Famous Curses in the World

7 Most Famous Curses in the World
1.       Crying Boy Painting

 In 1985 , Britain made ​​a scene with a series of fires that occurred under mysterious circumstances . The furor was continued when it was found that in almost all the houses burned down , there is an object that is not touched by the fire , the boy painting a cry . More shocking news emerged , it had previously been many other similar cases that do not leave the logical instructions .
Once traced , it is said the object of the painting is an orphan whose parents died of burns . Not long after the painting was produced , the artist studio fire destroyed terlalap . The boy was later killed in an explosion . He said , the ghost of the boy who had haunted by crying in the painting .
To get rid of the curse , a local publication was staged combustion paintings are mass produced them. Many paintings successfully eradicated , but it is estimated there are thousands of other prints circulating throughout the world .
2.       Robert The Doll

If visiting East Martello Museum , Florida , we could see an old doll more than a century , Robert the Doll . Sized dolls like this little boy is very famous , you know! Not because dolls relic of the 19th century was funny , but because the horror ! ! ! hiii ....
The story begins around 1896, when the family of Otto gives teddy to his youngest son Robert Eugene Otto . So terpikatnya , giving the child his name , Robert , to the doll , and replace the call itself into , Gene .
Since then , strange events have happened in the Otto family homes , ranging from laughter foreigners , various chaos and destruction , to report sightings of the neighbors who saw horrific Robert . The most severe , Robert Gene seems to enslave the boy in shock and fear . Seeing these irregularities , Otto family attic to get rid of Robert .
When Gene was grown , he rediscovered the doll Robert . In a short time , the doll was returned " master " Gene himself , until he was nearly mad . City residents who passed the family home of Robert Otto terror haunted his bedroom window .
Reportedly , the terrible events continue until the museum where Robert lived now
3.       The Curse of Superman

The Superman Curse refers to the misfortune and bad luck to those who are involved with the Superman story in years . perhaps the most famous is the curse of the George Reeves Superman is a beginning actor on the television series and the character of Christopher Reeve who played Superman in the first film , George Reeves committed suicide , and Christopher Reeve became paralyzed after falling from a horse . Another victim of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster creators of Superman character that is but they just got a bit of money , because the DC Comic Company who are employees they hold the entire Superman copyright in the work , some people have said that Jerry and Joe put a curse to the character of Superman because they feel the results of their efforts are not appreciated . there is a speculation that John F Kennedy was also a victim of this curse , before his death , a staff of JFK approved scenario Superman story where the hero praised the president's physical health , this scenario is scheduled to release in april 1964.
Therefore this kind of curse was a lot of actors who refused to portray Superman , Superman Starring example is named Paul Walker , he was selected as one of the 10 worst actor .
4.       The Curse of James Dean's Porsche

On 30 September 1955 , at exactly 5:45 a named film icon James Dean died from a car accident when Porsche Spyder ( Nicknamenya " Little Bastard " who had bought a car crashed into another , in the wake of James Dean was with Rolf Wutherich which is his best friend and also a mechanic , at the time of the accident and Rolf was thrown from the car survived the deadly accident , but Dean locked in the car , her neck broken . Turnupseed Donald , the driver of the car that was hit by dean minor injuries , after the tragedy , a car modifier named George Barris bought the wreck for $ 2,500 car . When the car arrived at the garage Barris , the Porsche slipped and fell on one of the mechanics who are issuing this car , this accident resulted in the mechanic broke both his legs .
Barris has a bad feeling since I first saw this car , and was proven when kecurigaanya Pornona race at Fair Grounds on October 24 , 1956, two doctors named Troy McHenry and William Eschrid which they have car parts taken from " Little Bastard " , McHenry died when his car which uses mesim Porsche lost control and hit a tree , while the car was upside down but Eschrid Eschrid survived though badly wounded , then he said that he used the car suddenly locked up when he was cornering ,
Associated with a car accident this continues until 1960
5.       Kennedy curse

The Kennedy Curse refers to a series of unfortunate events experienced by the Kennedy family , some people consider that bad luck streak that happened to Kennedy family as a curse , some of the Kennedy family died young , for example Brother of John F Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated in when he was in office then there is John F Kennedy Jr . who died in a plane crash in 1999, several other family members take this as evidence of the curse , then there is also Joseph Kennedy who was killed during World War II , and Edward Kennedy Jr. , whose legs were amputated at the age of 12 years and who lastly there is also Michael Kennedy who died in a skiing accident .
6.       The Curse of 27

Club 27 is also known as Club 27 timeless , this is a pop culture name to a set of rock and blues musicians who all died at the age of 27 years , sometimes due to a mysterious thing , there is some debate as to the criteria used to put people to this klib , driving force of the formation of this group is the death of some of these musicians who happened to be at age 27 . Included in this group are Jimi Hendrix , Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin , Brian Jones was also included, then Kurt Cobain also now often considered worthy entry into this group because impactnya in music in recent years
7.       The Curse of Tutankhamen

Perhaps this is the curse of the most phenomenal and mysterious in the world , the story a few months after the opening of Tutankhamen 's tomb tragedy struck Lord Carnarvon -57 years ( contributor of funds to search the tomb of Tutankhamen ) , he suffered a mysterious illness and was rushed to cairo , and died a few days later , the exact cause of death is unknown , but it seems the cause of the infection caused by the bite srangga , Legend has it that when he died there were many events that can not accept common sense . all cairo become dark and no light , His son also reported that his dog barking and langusng died suddenly . the more strange , when the mummy of Tutankhamen was opened in 1925 , found a wound on the left cheek right exactly like an insect bite on Carnavaron position ,

In the year 1929 eleven people connected with the quest tomb died suddenly and in a way that is not fair . This also includes two relatives of Carnavaron . Personal Secretary Carter , Richard Bethell and his father , Lord Westburry , Westburry mengakhiti his own life by jumping from the top of the building , and he left a message that reads " I really do not stand against this horror , and do not know what to do anymore , so I'm looking for my way out "

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