Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Events with the biggest victims throughout history

Events with the biggest victims throughout history
Palestine has a record more than once in this list .
The glory of a country sometimes does require bloodshed .
Egypt hit by a commotion in the history of the country. Previously , Turkey also had heated up and took the lives of seven people . Since long , rebellion and unrest have graced the world of politics in many countries around the world . Among the hundreds of events that take place , the following seven most deadly uprising and riots that have occurred throughout the period :

Nika Riots , Constantinople ( 532 )

Sources : seanmuger.com
Dead : 30,000

Politics in Constantinople which was led by Justinian I can be fairly chaotic . Classes are divided into several sections as seen by a team of their chosen sport . The two teams are considered the most important is the Blues and the Greens , who always made ​​a mess after the game ended . Casualties are always falling and arrested for murder punishable by death . This finally triggered a major riot that occurred during the week when both sides began to burn the entire city of Constantinople with the death toll in the tens of thousands . Nika originally meant "conquered ! " if translated literally . These words were shouted by the rioters the largest in history .

Anti - Sikh Riot , Delhi (1984 )

Source: outlookindia.com
Dead : 2,700 to 17,000

Indian National Congress ( INC ) is rumored to have a big hand in this terrible event . They brutally kill the followers of Sikhism flow , no matter men , women and even among children become victims in this bloody incident . The Anti - Sikh extermination occurred on October 31 until November 3 in Delhi and several cities in the vicinity. Weapons such as steel beams until a knife used by the residents hated the flow . Gasoline spilled in homes , schools and all types of buildings as the place the followers of Sikhism perform daily activities . Bus and train is stopped and the adherents of the sect pulled out and burned alive . The Indian government said that the number of victims has reached 2,700 people, but many others that emit larger numbers reaching 17,000 thousand souls .

Arab Revolt , Palestine (1936 - 1939)

Sources : israeldailypicture.com
Dead : 5,600

Palestinians when it encountered a major problem in the event known as the Arab Revolt : massive migrations undertaken Jews to their land is fully supported by the British , who then kissed fueled the flames of war Germany and Arab nations want the oil . Well , Hitler was Jewish targets , so that the support given by the British to the Jews who tried to control the Palestinians . Haj Amin al - Husseini , who led a group called the Arab Higher Committee of Palestine took weeks to boycott the products belonging to the Jews , because they live in the area under the defense of the UK . This triggers the heat of which culminated in 1937 when the riots resulting in approximately 10 % of the entire population of men aged 20-60 in the Palestinian was killed .

First Intifada , Palestine (1987 - 1993)

Sources : dexysmidnight.tumblr.com
Dead : 2,326

There are many stories about the events that occurred in the Palestinian uprising in the Israeli occupation , and it all started on December 8, 1987 when Israeli tanks had an accident claim and crashing around four people in the Erez Border . Palestinians do not believe that the incident was an accident , and finally a Jewish man was stabbed to death near the scene of the incident . With a long history of Palestinian and Israeli camps hostilities , riots and rebellions eventually spread in many other locations . It is actually triggered by Israel's efforts to try to master the Palestinian land that they claim as the holy land of the Jews called Jerusalem . The end result of this long unrest death toll 2,326 people, including the leader of a row of Palestinian fighters .

Romanian Revolution , Romania (1989 )

Sources : wikimedia.com
Dead : 1,104

Nicoalae Ceausescu leadership system which does not make sense to make the majority of Romanian blood boil . Economic rules that stipulation makes a lot of Romanian citizens to be very poor and did not have any possessions . On the grounds of economic fixing Romania , Ceausescu himself squandered treasure state by holding a parade and celebration for himself and his wife . The Romanians also have other concerns with the syndicate 's secret police , with rumors that the country will be converted into a police state . Deprived of the right to speak , the books filled with sensors , many radio channels disappear so there is no means for exchanging ideas between people . People's anger finally peaked and ended with a large-scale riots that took the lives of up to more than a thousand souls .

Copper Riot , Moscow ( 1662 )

Sources : wikimedia.com
Dead : 1,000

Also known as the Moscow Uprising , Copper Riot sparked by the fact that the Russian economy continues to decline drastically . Wars between Russia and Sweden and Poland made ​​a tax hike in the country continues to soar high . This makes the government panicked and implement a system that is fairly ridiculous as to equalize the value of copper coins with silver . Not to mention the spread of rumors about some government officials who embezzled money and other dirty activities so as to make the people more angry . Rebellion was inevitable , causing casualties reached 1,000 souls .

Bloody Sunday , Russia (1905 )

Sources : wikimedia.com
Dead : 1,000

Bloody Sunday can be regarded as the most memorable events and pathetic in this list because it causes confusion . Thousands of Russian people peacefully demonstrating in the streets to give a petition to Czar Nicholas II, who was commanding as emperor . The situation became chaotic when suddenly the Czar 's secret police were deployed appeared out of nowhere and started shooting at the demonstrators . This event is still fairly far-fetched, because the demonstrators when the error is unknown and the atmosphere was peaceful before it happene

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