Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

10 Underwater Ruins The Most Amazing

10 Underwater Ruins The Most Amazing
The history of human civilization swallowed by the sea , this awesome story may sound like the story of Atlantis . But the difference is this is a true story that actually exist in various parts of the world and still can be seen today. Here are 10 underwater ruins or buildings are the most amazing in the world .

1 . Port Royal , Kingston Harbour , Jamaica

Once known as the " City of the Most Cruel World " because it is home to prostitutes and pirates from all over the world . Founded in 1518 but sunk by an earthquake in 1692 . There are a variety of plans which shows that there is no indication of this underwater city would be developed into a major tourist destination in Jamaica .

2 . Cleopatra's Palace , Alexandria , Egypt

Said to be missing since 1600 years ago but later recovered in the underwater city of Alexandria , Egypt . Based on that legend says that Cleopatra and Marc Anthony committed suicide to avoid arrest Roman army , until now researchers believe there are 3 places to the Egyptian tomb of the two figures . Excavation was done until now because the researchers believe that any artifacts that may be underwater museum in this place .

3 . The Pharos , Alexandria , Egypt

In between 1994 and 1998, the researchers sent out to find the ruins of the famous ancient lighthouse at Alexandria , the " Pharos of Alexandria " . Although the researchers have estimated its size , which they find far more remarkable than they had imagined . With an area of ​​2.5 hectares and consists of 2,500 rentuhan arrangement that includes pillars , sphinxes , giant statues , monuments of Pharaoh , and granite stones from the famous lighthouse , make this place as one of the most amazing places in the world .

4 . Yonaguni - Jima , Okinawa , Japan

In the 1980s , a set of local divers found underwater rock formation in the southern part of the island of Yonaguni , underwater rock formation is known as Monument ruins of Yonaguni or Yonaguni - Jima . This ruins resemble pyramids have stairs - stairs alone . This caused controversy in itself because it is said that these ruins have been around since 2000-3000 years ago , even a few others say 8000 years ago , while there are no tools to build .

5 . Pavlopetri , Peloponnese , Greece

Believed to have existed since thousands of years ago , the underwater city of Pavlopetri is said to be the first who discovered its existence . The ruins really awesome , it has a street layout would , yard , tomb hinggga other buildings with an area of over 30,000 square meters . Researchers believe that the city is sinking as a result of the earthquake . Unfortunately this ruins threatened by thieves , tourists and anchors of ships .

6 . Dwarka , Jamnagar , India

One of the most amazing discoveries in India is the discovery of the underwater city of Dwarka since 1983 . This is because the ruins of which resembles the underwater city connecting it with the city of Dvaraka aguna which is under the auspices of the city of Krishna ( the Supreme Deity in Hindu ) . IN this ruins a lot of the temples underwater believed to come from the middle era .

7 . Shore Temple , Mahabalipuram , India

Mahabalipuram is famous temple , where legend has it that there was once a very amazing temple 7 . Because jealousy of the Gods , they send a drowning flood and destroy all but one , namely Shore Temple . Many theories say that the ruins of Mahabalipuram really form the 7 temple .

8 . Baiae , Bay of Naples , Italy

Baiae is a port city ruled by Rome , is home to the rich and famous will be the life of immorality and corruption but it is a very pretty place . Because of this , Baiae believed more famous than Herculaneum , Capri and Pompeii , until finally Baiae was destroyed by Muslim armies and abandoned in 1500 . Due to volcanic activity , and the city is sinking under the sea until now .

9 . Wat Tilok Aram , Kwan Phayao , Thailand

Wa Tilok Aram is the name of the temple is 500 years old located at the bottom of an artificial lake Phayao . There is a saying that says that the temple should be restored , but despite this lake can be said is new and is only 70 years old , to restore the temple is simply not possible because it requires tremendous cost . Some fans say that the underwater ruins of this temple has become a part of the ecology of the lake is amazing and should be left that way.

10 . Herakleion and Canopus , Abu Qir Bay , Egypt

Herakleion and Canopus are 2 ancient city gate to keep Egypt . Maybe some of you who are reading literature and watching films ever heard of Herakleion , this is because Herakleion is the home of the King of Sparta , Menelaus , when he fought against Troy for 10 years . Ruins at this place is awesome with a depth of 7m , giving the feel of the city that stopped time . At the ruins there are many temples , statues and home that shows the glory of his past .

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