Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

7 scary dolls and curse

7 scary dolls and curse
1.       Robert The Doll

This doll was previously owned by a painter Robert Eugene Otto of guardians . Many rumors about this nanny , some say these guardians hal2 unpleasant experience of parents Eugene , so for revenge he gave a damn doll for Eugene . But Eugene considers this gift as a token of love nanny , so he named Robert and dress him . During the life of Eugene , Robert always be on his side ( like teddy bear Mr . Bean )
A month after the arrival of Robert Otto family home , disorder began to emerge . Barang2 love lost and broken , and Eugene has a strange habit , often out of his bedroom window and jalan2 at midnight . When Eugene caught a family .... but he replied " Robert did it "
Robert now resides in the Historic Custom House and on display in the display closed. He was still wearing a sailor suit and hugging teddy bear Eugene . Some visitors peppermint candy store in front of the display systems and when visited again only remaining wrappings strewn about robert .
2.       Mandy the Doll

Mandy Doll is now on display at the Quesnel Museum in Old Cariboo Gold Rush Trail , British Columbia . Mandy was donated to the museum in 1991. When the clothes are worn very dirty , broken body and his head full of cracks . When checked , Mandy is pretty significant age is 90 years old
Woman who donated Mandy , Mereanda , told the museum that he would get up in the middle of the night and always heard the baby crying in the basement . When checked , he found that the window near the doll open , whereas before the window is closed . After the doll was donated to the Museum , he was never again be bothered by the noise .
3.       The Devil's Baby Doll

The size of the original doll baby doll scariest is that we can see . With an red leather ball of light blue glass eyes . Humor covered by a demon who dwells in the doll . This doll is not recommended to be used as your child Meadowsweet ^ ^ .
Originally given as a gift to his friend who had died . But this doll could move on its own and often heard the roar of strange and bizarre bunyi2 him .
4.       Annabele
In 1970 , a mother walked into a hobby store and buy a Raggedy - Anne doll as a gift for his son . Then start a ghost doll case unusual . Because of the very nature of evil Annabelle , in the same year he was disturbing two nurses who conducted a paranormal investigation led by the church .
Now he is locked in a sealed glass in occult museum to keep it .

5.       Haunted Zombie Voodoo Doll

This story was sent by a woman in Galveston , Texas who bought Zombie Voodoo Doll doll original in October 2004 . The doll came and tied in metal box . Assume that it is just a decoration, he issued a small coffin and opened it . " Really the biggest mistake ... " he said in a state of fear . Berkali2 cursed doll attacked . Fears for his life , he took action to save them back box. but the doll was attacked in his dreams . Finally he mangambil other actions to destroy , he first burn , but it remains intact doll not burn at all . Then cut it and then bury it in the cemetery . But the doll still appears at the door of his house with mud .
He said he also had to sell it back , but everything is still the same . Buyers said that her doll is missing and he found it back in the front door . The incident was repeated three times . Finally he asked the pastor to help lock in silver box with bacaan2 holy and save them on the roof of his house . Photo above was taken when it opened the first time before he knew that these dolls stuffed damned
6.       Harold

This doll is dated 1930 . This doll could move on its own and a voice came from the doll .
7.       Pupa

The owners originally had this doll at the age of 5-6 years ( the 1920s ) until he died in July 2005 . This doll escapes destruction of World War II and several accidents that caused this doll was destroyed . This doll is always carried by its owner wherever he would go , just like Harold .
Pupa is said to be moving on its own . Often seen pushing stuff around the display on the home owners. Until the first owner died , the pupa becomes very active and want to be released from his place as saved .
This doll clothes worn blue clothes . He often annoys people reported cherishes . Pupa often be in a different place than the last place he was seen . There is a family event heard someone knocking on the glass as they pass Pupa display case where stored . When they saw it , they saw that the hands are in the glass and Pupa different position than before .
8.       Allice

Allice stay with owner Marie Ford in Washington . This doll voice whisper if you close your ears to the lips doll . His eyes will follow you when you're in this room and its expression would change if he does not like you . " This doll belongs to my family for several years and always kept in a locked doll bok " said Marie . " My grandmother said that the doll possessed by the spirit of " close friend " Alice is asleep" . " I have captured EVP of it , and the words often uttered " I want to be left alone to suffer "
9.       The Joliet Haunted Cursed Doll

Joliet is cursed and haunted doll . The story says that Joliet come from 4 generations earlier , of a family . Anna G said that the doll is passed from mother to child from a family . And every girl cursed to have 2 children , women and boy and every child boys will die in 3 days . The family believe that this childscondemned to occupy this doll until the day of judgment .
Joliet often be heard crying in the middle of the night with the sound of a baby at the same time . Often heard the shouts that makes my skin crawl. " This doll was given by a friend of my great-grandmother who was jealous , when she conceived the boy.the boy Since then all children will die within 3 days after birth . Every family loved it and take care of her dolls for childs who have died to date . Son will do same thing if he had grown up. " said the owner .

" We do not have to throw him out , because we know that the spirit of our boys children trapped inside and we did not want to hurt him . "

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