Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

7 Strange Creatures In Legend of the Rest of the World
In antiquity by the story of the history and ancestors , the world inhabited by strange creatures who have the amazing ability . Now we do not get to see these strange creatures because whatever the cause strange creature was gone . Whether these strange creatures real or fake , strange creatures are very influential on the story in a country .
The following 7 Strange Creatures In Legend of the Rest of the World :
1.       Pegasus

Pegasus is a horse that has white wings lebar.Dalam mentioned that pegasus greek mythology born from the blood of Medusa when Perseus cut off her head . It also said the Pegasus
ridden by Bellerophon to fight the Chimera . Pegasus is a horse that has wings and a superior aviator . Pegasus is the result of a relationship that hurts Medusa and Poseidon . Born from Medusa when her head cut off by Perseus . Ole tamed Bellerophon and serve digunungnya during his adventures , including when Bellerophon killed the Chimaera . When Bellerophon wanted Pegasus flew to Mount Olympus , he was struck down by Zeus . But Pegasus continued on and managed to arrive at Mount Olympus . This is where Pegasus spent his days brought lightning to Zeus .
2.       dragon

Dragon or a dragon is an animal the size of a very menakjubkan.Mereka shaped reptiles and sometimes has some head and can breathe api.Naga believed to be conquered by musik.Naga also disebut2 as a god by some tribes .
3.       Unicorn

Unicorn is a white horse with horns on his head . Unicorn is very masculine but also very feminine . Unicorn also become a symbol of purity and spiritual connection . Unicorn has a great body , larger than the size of regular horses . Unicorn is the only creature that does not scare the man the legend , and is usually described as being smooth . Told very unlikely to catch a unicorn . Horns are said to neutralize poison . Unicorn was first noticed when the Indus valley civilization ( 3300 - 1700SM ) .
4.       Troll

Troll from Scandinavia legend that says that the troll is a spirit that lives in a cave in pegunungan.Saat nightfall they 'll be out to kidnap women and anak2.Ada two kinds of trolls , giant Giant -sized and small -sized dwarf .
5.       Phoenix

Phoenix is a mythical bird like an eagle but has a bright red like a fire fly sky . Phoenix is called comes from the sun . Phoenix is a bird of fire mythology of ancient Egypt which is described as a dead bird by fire and reborn from the flames . Usually depicted has gold and red feathers . At the end of his life , Phoenix is told to build a nest of cinnamon twigs which then caught fire . Bird destroyed by fire but then the new, young Phoenix arises from the same fire . Phoenix is believed to be the lifetime of 500-1461 years . Phoenix Tears are believed to cure wounds .
6.       Kirin

Kirin or Qilin is mahluh half dragon half horse , was originally derived from Chinese mythology but spread throughout East Asia . Real animals that are considered ' close ' kirin is giraffe ( confused right ? ) , Supposedly giraffe once regarded as Kirin . In Chinese mythology , Kirin is a sacred animal which has good properties , but Kirin can be wild animals and terrible when threatened . Kirin is said to appear only in the dikuasain tempat2 by a good and wise ruler .
7.       Mermaid

Mermaid ( or Merman for men) has been discussed since 5000 BC . Even Christopher Columbus said he has seen in his travels . In England they regarded fairy tales as a curse or a disaster warning .

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

7 scary dolls and curse

7 scary dolls and curse
1.       Robert The Doll

This doll was previously owned by a painter Robert Eugene Otto of guardians . Many rumors about this nanny , some say these guardians hal2 unpleasant experience of parents Eugene , so for revenge he gave a damn doll for Eugene . But Eugene considers this gift as a token of love nanny , so he named Robert and dress him . During the life of Eugene , Robert always be on his side ( like teddy bear Mr . Bean )
A month after the arrival of Robert Otto family home , disorder began to emerge . Barang2 love lost and broken , and Eugene has a strange habit , often out of his bedroom window and jalan2 at midnight . When Eugene caught a family .... but he replied " Robert did it "
Robert now resides in the Historic Custom House and on display in the display closed. He was still wearing a sailor suit and hugging teddy bear Eugene . Some visitors peppermint candy store in front of the display systems and when visited again only remaining wrappings strewn about robert .
2.       Mandy the Doll

Mandy Doll is now on display at the Quesnel Museum in Old Cariboo Gold Rush Trail , British Columbia . Mandy was donated to the museum in 1991. When the clothes are worn very dirty , broken body and his head full of cracks . When checked , Mandy is pretty significant age is 90 years old
Woman who donated Mandy , Mereanda , told the museum that he would get up in the middle of the night and always heard the baby crying in the basement . When checked , he found that the window near the doll open , whereas before the window is closed . After the doll was donated to the Museum , he was never again be bothered by the noise .
3.       The Devil's Baby Doll

The size of the original doll baby doll scariest is that we can see . With an red leather ball of light blue glass eyes . Humor covered by a demon who dwells in the doll . This doll is not recommended to be used as your child Meadowsweet ^ ^ .
Originally given as a gift to his friend who had died . But this doll could move on its own and often heard the roar of strange and bizarre bunyi2 him .
4.       Annabele
In 1970 , a mother walked into a hobby store and buy a Raggedy - Anne doll as a gift for his son . Then start a ghost doll case unusual . Because of the very nature of evil Annabelle , in the same year he was disturbing two nurses who conducted a paranormal investigation led by the church .
Now he is locked in a sealed glass in occult museum to keep it .

5.       Haunted Zombie Voodoo Doll

This story was sent by a woman in Galveston , Texas who bought Zombie Voodoo Doll doll original in October 2004 . The doll came and tied in metal box . Assume that it is just a decoration, he issued a small coffin and opened it . " Really the biggest mistake ... " he said in a state of fear . Berkali2 cursed doll attacked . Fears for his life , he took action to save them back box. but the doll was attacked in his dreams . Finally he mangambil other actions to destroy , he first burn , but it remains intact doll not burn at all . Then cut it and then bury it in the cemetery . But the doll still appears at the door of his house with mud .
He said he also had to sell it back , but everything is still the same . Buyers said that her doll is missing and he found it back in the front door . The incident was repeated three times . Finally he asked the pastor to help lock in silver box with bacaan2 holy and save them on the roof of his house . Photo above was taken when it opened the first time before he knew that these dolls stuffed damned
6.       Harold

This doll is dated 1930 . This doll could move on its own and a voice came from the doll .
7.       Pupa

The owners originally had this doll at the age of 5-6 years ( the 1920s ) until he died in July 2005 . This doll escapes destruction of World War II and several accidents that caused this doll was destroyed . This doll is always carried by its owner wherever he would go , just like Harold .
Pupa is said to be moving on its own . Often seen pushing stuff around the display on the home owners. Until the first owner died , the pupa becomes very active and want to be released from his place as saved .
This doll clothes worn blue clothes . He often annoys people reported cherishes . Pupa often be in a different place than the last place he was seen . There is a family event heard someone knocking on the glass as they pass Pupa display case where stored . When they saw it , they saw that the hands are in the glass and Pupa different position than before .
8.       Allice

Allice stay with owner Marie Ford in Washington . This doll voice whisper if you close your ears to the lips doll . His eyes will follow you when you're in this room and its expression would change if he does not like you . " This doll belongs to my family for several years and always kept in a locked doll bok " said Marie . " My grandmother said that the doll possessed by the spirit of " close friend " Alice is asleep" . " I have captured EVP of it , and the words often uttered " I want to be left alone to suffer "
9.       The Joliet Haunted Cursed Doll

Joliet is cursed and haunted doll . The story says that Joliet come from 4 generations earlier , of a family . Anna G said that the doll is passed from mother to child from a family . And every girl cursed to have 2 children , women and boy and every child boys will die in 3 days . The family believe that this childscondemned to occupy this doll until the day of judgment .
Joliet often be heard crying in the middle of the night with the sound of a baby at the same time . Often heard the shouts that makes my skin crawl. " This doll was given by a friend of my great-grandmother who was jealous , when she conceived the boy.the boy Since then all children will die within 3 days after birth . Every family loved it and take care of her dolls for childs who have died to date . Son will do same thing if he had grown up. " said the owner .

" We do not have to throw him out , because we know that the spirit of our boys children trapped inside and we did not want to hurt him . "

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

7 Most Famous Curses in the World

7 Most Famous Curses in the World
1.       Crying Boy Painting

 In 1985 , Britain made ​​a scene with a series of fires that occurred under mysterious circumstances . The furor was continued when it was found that in almost all the houses burned down , there is an object that is not touched by the fire , the boy painting a cry . More shocking news emerged , it had previously been many other similar cases that do not leave the logical instructions .
Once traced , it is said the object of the painting is an orphan whose parents died of burns . Not long after the painting was produced , the artist studio fire destroyed terlalap . The boy was later killed in an explosion . He said , the ghost of the boy who had haunted by crying in the painting .
To get rid of the curse , a local publication was staged combustion paintings are mass produced them. Many paintings successfully eradicated , but it is estimated there are thousands of other prints circulating throughout the world .
2.       Robert The Doll

If visiting East Martello Museum , Florida , we could see an old doll more than a century , Robert the Doll . Sized dolls like this little boy is very famous , you know! Not because dolls relic of the 19th century was funny , but because the horror ! ! ! hiii ....
The story begins around 1896, when the family of Otto gives teddy to his youngest son Robert Eugene Otto . So terpikatnya , giving the child his name , Robert , to the doll , and replace the call itself into , Gene .
Since then , strange events have happened in the Otto family homes , ranging from laughter foreigners , various chaos and destruction , to report sightings of the neighbors who saw horrific Robert . The most severe , Robert Gene seems to enslave the boy in shock and fear . Seeing these irregularities , Otto family attic to get rid of Robert .
When Gene was grown , he rediscovered the doll Robert . In a short time , the doll was returned " master " Gene himself , until he was nearly mad . City residents who passed the family home of Robert Otto terror haunted his bedroom window .
Reportedly , the terrible events continue until the museum where Robert lived now
3.       The Curse of Superman

The Superman Curse refers to the misfortune and bad luck to those who are involved with the Superman story in years . perhaps the most famous is the curse of the George Reeves Superman is a beginning actor on the television series and the character of Christopher Reeve who played Superman in the first film , George Reeves committed suicide , and Christopher Reeve became paralyzed after falling from a horse . Another victim of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster creators of Superman character that is but they just got a bit of money , because the DC Comic Company who are employees they hold the entire Superman copyright in the work , some people have said that Jerry and Joe put a curse to the character of Superman because they feel the results of their efforts are not appreciated . there is a speculation that John F Kennedy was also a victim of this curse , before his death , a staff of JFK approved scenario Superman story where the hero praised the president's physical health , this scenario is scheduled to release in april 1964.
Therefore this kind of curse was a lot of actors who refused to portray Superman , Superman Starring example is named Paul Walker , he was selected as one of the 10 worst actor .
4.       The Curse of James Dean's Porsche

On 30 September 1955 , at exactly 5:45 a named film icon James Dean died from a car accident when Porsche Spyder ( Nicknamenya " Little Bastard " who had bought a car crashed into another , in the wake of James Dean was with Rolf Wutherich which is his best friend and also a mechanic , at the time of the accident and Rolf was thrown from the car survived the deadly accident , but Dean locked in the car , her neck broken . Turnupseed Donald , the driver of the car that was hit by dean minor injuries , after the tragedy , a car modifier named George Barris bought the wreck for $ 2,500 car . When the car arrived at the garage Barris , the Porsche slipped and fell on one of the mechanics who are issuing this car , this accident resulted in the mechanic broke both his legs .
Barris has a bad feeling since I first saw this car , and was proven when kecurigaanya Pornona race at Fair Grounds on October 24 , 1956, two doctors named Troy McHenry and William Eschrid which they have car parts taken from " Little Bastard " , McHenry died when his car which uses mesim Porsche lost control and hit a tree , while the car was upside down but Eschrid Eschrid survived though badly wounded , then he said that he used the car suddenly locked up when he was cornering ,
Associated with a car accident this continues until 1960
5.       Kennedy curse

The Kennedy Curse refers to a series of unfortunate events experienced by the Kennedy family , some people consider that bad luck streak that happened to Kennedy family as a curse , some of the Kennedy family died young , for example Brother of John F Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated in when he was in office then there is John F Kennedy Jr . who died in a plane crash in 1999, several other family members take this as evidence of the curse , then there is also Joseph Kennedy who was killed during World War II , and Edward Kennedy Jr. , whose legs were amputated at the age of 12 years and who lastly there is also Michael Kennedy who died in a skiing accident .
6.       The Curse of 27

Club 27 is also known as Club 27 timeless , this is a pop culture name to a set of rock and blues musicians who all died at the age of 27 years , sometimes due to a mysterious thing , there is some debate as to the criteria used to put people to this klib , driving force of the formation of this group is the death of some of these musicians who happened to be at age 27 . Included in this group are Jimi Hendrix , Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin , Brian Jones was also included, then Kurt Cobain also now often considered worthy entry into this group because impactnya in music in recent years
7.       The Curse of Tutankhamen

Perhaps this is the curse of the most phenomenal and mysterious in the world , the story a few months after the opening of Tutankhamen 's tomb tragedy struck Lord Carnarvon -57 years ( contributor of funds to search the tomb of Tutankhamen ) , he suffered a mysterious illness and was rushed to cairo , and died a few days later , the exact cause of death is unknown , but it seems the cause of the infection caused by the bite srangga , Legend has it that when he died there were many events that can not accept common sense . all cairo become dark and no light , His son also reported that his dog barking and langusng died suddenly . the more strange , when the mummy of Tutankhamen was opened in 1925 , found a wound on the left cheek right exactly like an insect bite on Carnavaron position ,

In the year 1929 eleven people connected with the quest tomb died suddenly and in a way that is not fair . This also includes two relatives of Carnavaron . Personal Secretary Carter , Richard Bethell and his father , Lord Westburry , Westburry mengakhiti his own life by jumping from the top of the building , and he left a message that reads " I really do not stand against this horror , and do not know what to do anymore , so I'm looking for my way out "

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

7 Most Amazing Hot Water Baths

7 Most Amazing Hot Water Baths
1.       Grand Prismatic Spring

     Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest hot spring in the United States , and third largest in the world , located in Midway Geyser Basine . Bright colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria in the microbial mats that grow around the edges of mineral water . The bacteria produce colors ranging from green to red , the amount of color in the microbial mats depends on the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoids . In summer, the mats tend to be orange and red , whereas in winter mats are usually dark green . Central pool to be sterile due to extreme heat .
2.        Mammoth Hot Springs

Mammoth is a large hill of travertine that has been created over thousands of years as hot water from the spring cooled and deposited into calcium carbonate . Terrace Mountain Mammoth Hot Springs is the largest and most famous in the world . The terraces have been deposited by the spring over the years , but because of small earthquake activity , the spring hole has shifted , so the porch to dry .
3.       Blood Pond Hot Spring

Blood Pond Hot Spring is one of the " hell " ( Jigoku ) of Beppu , Japan . Nine spectacular natural hot springs are more to be seen than to shower . Displays the " blood pond hell " , like iron rust red water .
4.       Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon spa is one of the thermal baths the most visited in the warm waters of Iceland . Blue Lagoon rich in minerals like silica and sulfur are believed to help some people suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis .
5.       Glenwood Springs

Glenwood Springs , Colorado is the largest hot spring with the concept of crowded pools . Jigokudani Monkey Park

6.       Jigokudani Monkey Park
Jigokudani Monkey Park is located in Yamanouchi , Shimotakai District , Nagano Prefecture . It is part of Joshinetsu Kogen National Park . Jigokudani name , which means " Valley of Hell " is a steam and boiling water that comes out of the little bubble cracks in the frozen ground , surrounded by steep cliffs and formidably cold forest . In this place a lot of wild Japanese macaques ( Macaca fuscata ) , more commonly referred to as the Snow Monkey . These monkeys go to the valley during the winter . Began in 1963 , the monkeys descend from the steep cliffs and enjoy the warmth of a hot shower , and back into the woods at night .
7.        Deildartunguhver

Deildartunguhver is hot water in Reykholtsdalur , Iceland . It is characterized by a very high flow rate of the hot springs ( 180 liters / sec ) and the water temperature is 97 degrees centigrade . This is the highest heat flow in the spring in Europe .

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

The World's 7 Strangest Fish

The World's 7 Strangest Fish
1.       Four-eyed fish

This fish belongs to the genus anablepidae the fish that live in estuaries southern Mexico to southern South America . This fish can only live in freshwater and brackish water . They have eyes located on the top of the head and is divided into two distinct parts , so they can see the water surface and under water at the same time . This fish actually has only 2 pieces of eye , but both eyes are located at the head level is divided into 2 parts , namely the top and bottom are separated by a thin layer of tissue . each eye has its own pupils . upper part of the eye to see in the air ( above the waterline ) and down to look into the water . thickness of the lens of the eye top and bottom are different, getting to the bottom getting thinner .
2.       red -lipped bat fish ( Red Lipped Batfish )

This fish looks like wearing lipstick . These fish live in the waters of the Galapagos Islands . Red Lipped Batfish are poor swimmers , so she uses her flippers to walk on the ocean floor . When it began to grow up , dorsal fin fish will be united with his spine so it will look attractive to their prey .
3.       spookfish ( ghost fishing ) This fish has a face that is quite scary ..

but there is no further explanation . only explain about barreleye .
4.       Barreleye Fish - genus Macropinna microstoma ( Transparent Head Fish )

Still a family with ghost fish , this fish has a transparent head convex and contains clear fluid . The base of the eyes in his head and organs clearly visible from the outside . There are two mounds of yellow-green color like half an egg yolk in the rear base of the eye . The second object was believed to serve as the eyes . Behind the two " yellow object " was spotted cream-colored fibers such as meat that is pale tissue . With the size of large fins , making her stay balanced . He lived right on the bottom line of sunlight penetrating ability ocean depths . In that position makes him invisible clearly by the animals in the vicinity. Predators and prey are hiding themselves above could not see it . But this fish is able to look up because it can be played straight into his eyes Sepan or upwards . . It's pretty amazing . The researchers believe , yellowish- green eyes that has evolved to form a light filter which allows to ignore the sunlight and can see the light berpedar of small fish and jellyfish which is a favorite food . So , what is the function of the two ' eyes ' on the front ? According to experts , the real fish eyes it is nales , sense of smell like a man's nostrils Barrelfish have a liquid crystal in the eye , which is located on a small spot on a membrane . If the liquid crystal was broken , his eyes would get very strong pressure and conditions that would kill him . Therefore , we know that the pressure in the sea at a depth of 600 meters down is very powerful and deadly .
5.       Flying Fish ( Flying Fish )

Exocoetidae or flying fish are marine fish familia comprising about 50 species grouped in 7 to 9 genera . Flying fish are found in all major oceans , particularly in tropical and subtropical waters in the Atlantic , Pacific and Indian oceans . Its main characteristics are the most prominent is a large chest fins , allowing the fish glide briefly flew in the air , above the surface of the water , to escape from predators . They usually launch around 50 meters so far , but they could use a boost on the edge of the waves can reach distances up to at least 400m
6.       Fish Teeth and Tongue ManHuman Teeth Fish .

A fisherman in the United States absurdly surprised when the fish caught that , even mengigitnya toned . She of course screamed and upon inspection is similar to fish teeth to bite humans . As reported by the 24 September 2010 edition , Frank Yarborough was fishing in Lake Wylie , South Carolina . Not long ago threw a hook , a fish bites the bait and get caught . Frank absurdly excited because of the fish caught was really great . Dark color and weighs about 5 pounds with a length of nearly two feet . Yarborough suspect it was a catfish . He then put his hand into the water to retrieve the fish . However , he was shocked and screamed as loud as didigit bitten humans . Having examined the fish was indeed a rare rada . Diamemiliki teeth like incisors , molars and tusks like those of humans . Unlike the fish in the lake in general . Rare fish was caught and taken home . Yarborough has not occurred to fry . Is still stored in the refrigerator . Biologists believe the fish was probably raised in an exotic pool . Robert Stroud , a freshwater fisheries biologist Department of Natural Resources in South Carolina , has confirmed the existence of the fish samples . Fish samples had been sent to determine what type of fish species mysterious .
7.       Handfish ( Fish -handed )

 Sightings of this fish looks prominence in the 1990s and this fish is one of the latest types of fish other handed . This seemed odd because the fish do not swim and it explains why that is the location of fish in the ocean floor . Which strangely they use their " hands " who should be the fins to walk . Location of the fish found in the area of ​​Tasmania , Australia's island . Her skin was coated denticle ( a kind of rough scales / toothed - gear ) so that he was nicknamed warty anglers ( Wart = warts ) . size is about 15cm .

This fish belongs to the genus anablepidae the fish that live in estuaries southern Mexico to southern South America . This fish can only live in freshwater and brackish water . They have eyes located on the top of the head and is divided into two distinct parts , so they can see the water surface and under water at the same time . This fish actually has only 2 pieces of eye , but both eyes are located at the head level is divided into 2 parts , namely the top and bottom are separated by a thin layer of tissue . each eye has its own pupils . upper part of the eye to see in the air ( above the waterline ) and down to look into the water . thickness of the lens of the eye top and bottom are different, getting to the bottom getting thinner .

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

7 World's Greatest Pirates

7 World's Greatest Pirates
1.       Henry Morgan - The King of All Pirates

Henry Morgan or Morgan ' the terrible ' is one of the most k ejam of pirates , with courage , brutality , and intelligence , making him the most feared and revered pirate of all time . Hendry had been a WelshAdmiral and privateer , probably also one of the famous and successful of the privateers from Wales . Privateers were a private person or private warship authorized by a country's government by letters of marque to attack foreign shipping . Privateers were part of naval warfare of some countries from the 16th to the 19th century
2.       Bartholomew Roberts ' Great Pirate Roberts ' - Black Bart

Bartholomew Roberts , known as the ' Great Pirate Roberts ' , exploring the sea in the early eighteenth century . He explored the coasts of North America and is known Selatan.Roberts save so much hatred for the people on the island of Martinique and Barbados , so he created a black flag to describe it . He is a highly successful pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy . He caught more ships than some of the best pirates of this era such as Blackbeard or Captain Kidd . He is estimated to have captured over 470 vessels . In his later Captain Roberts was killed by grapeshot (a type of ship cannon ) that about him , when he stood on the deck . After that he was buried in the sea by the crew of his ship with sails using a wrap .
Roberts' death shocked the world of pirates and the British Navy . Local traders and civilians even think if he is invincible , and some consider him a hero . Roberts 's death is considered a lot of history that is the end of the Golden Age of Piracy .
3.       William Kidd - ' Captain Kidd '

At first Kidd is a sailor who recruited the British Empire to crush the pirates. Kidd equipped with its legendary ship is the Adventure Galley . The ship has 34 cannons and capable of carrying 80 crew , but then turns into Captain Kidd's pirate Bringas , this story emerged after Britain accused Kid hijack ships .
Quedagh Merchant is a great treasure ship of 400 tons were seized by ev ah in Kidd , inside the ship there are a lot of Satin , Gold , Muslins , Silver and some merchandise from the East Indies . It's made ​​himself into one of the pirates have treasure most.
4.       Edward ' Blackbeard ' Teach

Edward ' Blackbeard ' Teach is undoubtedly one of the most feared pirate and the most hated of all time . With a terrible stature , bushy black beard that almost covered the entire face . He was English pirate who operated around the West Indies and the eastern coast of America in the early 18th century . He has a ship called pride , Queen Anne 's Revenge .
Edward known to always carry two swords , daggers and various pistols as a weapon . He has seized more than 40 merchant ships in the waters of the Caribbean . He also did not hesitate to kill his captives 
5.       Anne Bonny

Anne Bonny was one of two women who become pirates. Toughness and prowess no doubt because he joined the pirate Jolly rogger , one group of pirates who are very respected . In their roles in the world of pirates he duet with fellow women is Mary Read . In order to join the trip Rackham , Anne disguised as men . Although a woman , but Anne also followed the war and other activities should men . Even the crews Rackham ' The Revenge ' honor Anne Bonny .
6.       John Rackham - ' Calico Jack '

Calico Jack was an English pirate captain operating in the Bahamas in the early 18th century . He is famous for his story which has two female crew members ( Mary Read and Anne Bonny lover ) unusual at that time and creates an image of the head pirate flag skull with crossed swords , later became the inspiration for the story of the other pirates .
Calico Jack and his crew never hijack ' Kingston ' , a Jamaican ship and eventually become their flagship vessel . Then he conquered in some areas of the West Indies , taking several large ships in the Bermuda area . Calico Jack is also considered as the inspiration of the character Jack Sparow . Besides, he also has the first of Jack Sparow ship , the Black Pearl .
7.       Olivier Levasseur - The Buzzard

Olivier Levasseur , nicknamed La Buse or Bouche ( The Buzzard ) , this nickname due to his speed and silence in musuh2nya finish . At first he became a naval officer after receiving military education . After the Spanish War (1701-1714) ended he was ordered to go home with his ship , but instead he joined Benjamin Hornigold is a pirate organization in 1716 . Levasseur proved himself as a good leader on the boat , even though he has a scar on one eye that limits his vision .
In 1720 , one of his eyes had become completely blind so he started wearing a blindfold , which arise in the future if any alleged pirates identical using a blindfold .

Its peak is when he seized the Portuguese -owned ships Galeon Nostra Senhora do Cabo full containing valuables . When the booty is divided , each pirate received at least £ 50,000 gold guinea ( adjusted for inflation to 2008: £ 7.5 million ) , and each got 42 diamonds . Levasseur then divide the rest of the gold , silver , and other objects , while Levasseur himself took the gold cross .

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

10 Things In mythology who turns It Really There

10 Things In mythology who turns It Really There
In this modern world there are so many stories , stories to things mystical or mythology who appears in various forms such as films , literature or just a mere conversation . Therefore, we often think of all the things it was not real , but it turns out in the world there are some things in the mythology that actually exists or can be said to have a similar thing in the real world .

10 . Hobbit

If you ever watch the movie Lord of the Rings , then there is a race of human-like it's just not as high as the high man with only a third or a half- human, the race known as the Hobbit or dwarfs . An excavation on the island of Flores , Indonesia resulted in the discovery will resemble a human skeleton just looks too high and only a third man.

From here there are two conclusions that can be drawn , whether it is true that there is a race whose lifestyles are different from ordinary people and known by the hobbits , or it is due to the growth of human disturbance such as microcephaly associated ( disruption or growth abnormalities ) .

9 . Dvaraka City of Krishna

According to legend , Krishna ( a Hindu god on par with the Lord Jesus ) authority over the city Dvaraka or Dwarka and eventually he was swallowed by the sea . For the Hindus , finding the Lost City of Dvaraka was like finding the Holy Grail Testament or . The city is different from the modern city of Dwarka in India , in the city of Dvaraka was supervised by the Krishna legend .

Archaeological finds an offshore city in India which is similar to the description in the legend . With rocks which indicate that it is indeed Dvaraka and also turns out it is one of the oldest cities in the history that is supervised by the Supreme Lord Krishna .

8 . Amazon women

Amazon woman described as a very powerful form of feminine and feminist do not depict the defeat of the male fighters . Sejarawab a Greek named Herodotus wrote a story where the Amazon women married to men Scythian ( a tribe of horsemen Eurasia ) . Amazon women approve the marriage of girls as long as they are allowed to follow the tradition of the female fighters .

If there is no definitive evidence regarding this story then of course this story would not be believed . But it turns out there is real evidence , which is a grave which was found in the Eurasian grassland which shows that nature has a Scythian warrior woman as described in the Amazon Women . They were found to have bone exposed wounds of war and buried with swords , arrows , knives and other evidence of struggle .

7 . Dragons

Although the shape is not really like dragons we imagined , but we do not know where did the actual authenticity of the dragon form that we imagine it . It may be the original form of an animal that developed really have the name ' Dragon ' in its name , the Komodo Dragon is better known as the Komodo dragon or Komodo alone , and can be found on the island of Komodo , Indonesia . But we are not talking about this animal , but his ancestors Komodo , namely Megalania .

Is a giant lizard that can grow hinga 8 meters and weigh up to 1.9 tons . Megalania is no less deadly as the dragon in the movies or literature stories , the bite victim will be exposed to a very deadly poison and bleed until he died , which would make her bite is slowly rotting meat .

Kraken is a mythological creature that dwells in the sea with a terrible ferocity and shape . But apparently inspired from a trusted Kraken squid . The squid was shaped like the kraken , but if the amount is different where the kraken can easily destroy the ship .

This might make sense if we do not talk about the squid generally are small but giant squid or the Colossal Squid . With a length of 14 meters and can measure in hand and eyes are much larger than other large squid . Giant squid is often depicted fighting the whale . Yes , if we talk about this squid he was intending to do it , then he can give damage to the ship .

5 . Captain Ahab and Moby Dick
Moby Dick inspired from sperm whale ( Sperm Whale or Whale Head Box ) giant white colored . It is real , even the original was more virulent than the story . He called Mocha Dick , in which the pope has managed to beat up a hundred whaling ships , even he had to face three whaling ships at once and managed to beat him .

Captain Ahab himself is portrayed as a captain of an infatuated to hunt Moby Dick . Captain Ahab is apparently inspired from a man who lived in the same era with Mocha Dick , the Captain Pollard . Pollard also ship captain idhancurkan by a whale , which eventually forced him and his crew to cannibalism in order to survive . After surviving, he returned to sea with a new boat . Unfortunately , his ship sank again , this time by a storm and ended up spending the rest of his life he became a guard .

4 . Scylla and Charybdis

Odysseus , a famous Greek king would tack Trojan Horse ( Trojan Horse ) is on his voyage to go through a narrow strait that have monsters on both banks of land . On the one hand was Scylla , a many -headed monster that is ready to attack if approached and the crew on the other side was Charybdis , a sea monster attacking ships by dragging them to the depths of the sea through the whirlpool . Odysseus finally decided to approach the Scylla than Charybdis because it will lose a little better than all the ships crew .

Straits of Messina ( Messina bay ) located between Sicily and mainland Italy is believed this Scylla and Charybdis lived . Charybdis whirlpool actually is indeed just that without the monster , and the current was weaker than that described in the legend . On the other side of the bay there are rocky cliffs that inspired the head of Scylla .

3 . Berserker

Berserker is a warrior in ancient Norse mythology who is said to be in a fight when the characteristics of a very wild , uncontrolled and as a rampage , they are fighters or soldiers who feared until now because no matter how much they hurt they are not concerned with one purpose , namely to kill anyone who exist in their views . So where did this power come from?

It turns out this story is actually real . Berserker or state can be achieved by consuming a medicine before the war that can provide a sense of hangover , similar to hallucinogens . This will make them fearless , pain and become stronger . Drugs like bufotenin believed to produce something similar .

2 . tower of Babel

It is said that the King of Modern Babylon , Nebuchadnezzar II , trying to make a very high tower with the goal of achieving the existence of Heaven and then the wrath of God , the tower was destroyed by his power . You can see the same thing here .

It just is not like the rest of the debris that destroyed the tower of Babel God . This is a ziggurat ( giant structures like Pyramid ) , for the temple god Marduk ( Babylonian sun god ) which was destroyed by Alexander the Great ( Macedonian King who managed to create one of the largest empire in ancient history ) .

Alexander then try to rebuild this place to bring up his name , but did not succeed because he died before the completion of the development . After that a lot of people trying to rebuild something similar but failed before completion . This place is like describing the inability of humans to work together to build one thing .

1 . Imoogi

Imoogi derived from Korean legend , is said to be a creature resembling a giant snake and dragon equivalent ( dragon ) . Imoogi This is a candidate likened the dragon in the end if he can survive for thousands of years , it will turn into an actual dragon form and ultimately go to heaven .

Although this fact is not to be in Korea , but South America , it is said that there was a giant python that mistakenly perceived as a young dragon . This is the forerunner of Imoogi mnejadi . This giant python was Titanoboa with a length of about 14 meters and weighing more than 1 ton . This creature can swallow a man without any round object in her stomach bulge . Fortunately , these creatures have been extinct for a long time about 58-60 million years ago .