Minggu, 01 September 2013

7 wonders of the Islamic version

7 Wonders of the World version of the world we've heard / read . What about the 7 wonders of the Islamic version ? Here's the list .
1 . Animals Talking in the End Times

Most holy God who has made everything speak according to what He wills . Including the remit of the signs is when the Day of Resurrection will appear reptiles that will speak to men as stated in the Quran , surah An - Naml verse 82 ,
" And if the words had fallen upon them , we remove the reptile kind of earth that will tell them , Behold, the man that first did not believe in Our Signs " .
Foreign commentators Sham , Abul Fida ' Ibn Kathir Ad - Dimasyqiy commented on the above verse , " These animals are going to come out in the last days when human destruction , and began to leave the commandments of God , and when they have to change the religion of Allah . So God issued to the earth before their animals . The legend says that , from Makkah , or the other as upcoming details. This animal will speak to people about it " . [ See Tafseer Ibn Kathir ( 3/498 ) ]
Strange animals that talk is going to come out at the end of time as a sign of the coming apocalypse in the near future . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - said ,
" Verily the Hour will not upright , so you will see the previous 10 signs of doom : An earthquake in the East , the earthquake in the west , the earthquake in the Arabian Peninsula , Smoke , Dajjal , animal earth , Gog and Magog , the rising of the sun the west , and fire coming out of the gulf of Aden , will lead people " . [ HR . Muslim in his Saheeh ( 2901 ) , Abu Dawud in his Sunan ( 4311 ) , At- Tirmidziy in his Sunan ( 2183 ) , and Ibn Majah in his Sunan ( 4041 ) ]
2 . Weeping trees Dates
The existence of this palm tree that was in the days crying - Shollallahu Prophet ' alaihi wasallam - , why weep until this tree ? Her story , Jabir bin Abdillah - radi ' anhu - speak ,
" Jabir bin Abdillah - radi ' anhu -said : " It is the Messenger - Shollallahu ' alaihi wasallam - standing ( preaching ) on top of a date palm , then when placed pulpit for him , we heard a noise like the sound of a camel from the palm trees to the Prophet - Shollallahu ' alaihi wasallam - down and then he put his hand on the trunk of the palm trees " . [ HR.Al - Bukhariy in his Saheeh ( 876 ) ]
Ibn Umar - radi ' anhu -said ,
"Once Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - berkhuthbah on palm trunks . When he had made the pulpit , then he moved to the pulpit . Palm trunk was moaning . So the Prophet - Shollallahu ' alaihi wasallam - came to him as he brushed his hand on the palm trunk ( to calm ) " . [ HR . Al - Bukhoriy in his Saheeh ( 3390 ) , and At- Tirmidziy in his Sunan ( 505 ) ]
3 . Regards strands Strange Stone
Maybe if a bird is clever greetings case that we often encounter . But what if a stone to say hello . As a servant of God who believe in His Messenger , he surely would justify all what was presented by His messenger , as he told his friends notice that there is a stone in Mecca who had said hello to him as in his saying ,
Of Jabir ibn Samurah he said , the Prophet - Shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam - said, "Verily I know a stone in Mecca greeting me before I was sent, in fact I know now " . [ HR.Muslim in his Saheeh ( 1782 ) ] .

4 . A complaint Onta
Man is a creature that has feelings . It arises from a feeling of love and affection between them . But please know , not just humans who have feelings , even animals also have it . It is therefore very regrettable if there are people who do not have the feeling that made him lower than animals . Once there was a camel complained to the Messenger - Shollallahu ' alaihi wasallam - express his feelings .
Abdullah bin Ja'far - radi ' anhu -said , " One day the Prophet - sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam - ever memboncengku behind , then he whispered about something that is not going to tell it to someone among humans . He enjoy most anything to be protective for his business waste is a mound of earth or a collection of palm trunks . then he entered into the farm boy Ansar . Suddenly there was a camel . When the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam - saw , the camel was whimpering and tears in her eyes . Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam - came to him as he rubbed his stomach up to punuknya and ear bones , then calm down the camel . Then he said , " Who is the owner of the camel , the camel belongs to whom ? " And there came a young man Ansar and said , " Camel is mine , O Messenger of Allah " .
Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam - said ,
" Do you not fear Allah in this animal , which has been used as yours by God , because he ( the beast ) has complained to me that thou hast made ​​him tired and hungry " . [ HR . Abu Dawood in As- Sunan ( 1/400 ) , Al - Hakim in Al - Mustadrak ( 2/99-100 ) , Ahmad in al - Musnad ( 1/204-205 ) , Abu Ya'la in al - Musnad ( 3 / 8/1 ) , Al - Baihaqiy in Ad - Dala'il ( 6/26 ) , and Ibn Asakir in Tarikh Dimasyqa ( 9/28/1 ) . Ash - Shahihah see ( 20 ) ]
5 . Grilled Goat Testimony
If the animal is still alive to talk is a miraculous case , then surely the more miraculous when there is talk of a goat roast . It is strange , but true. Baked goat story that talks are in the following hadith :
Abu Hurairah - radi ' anhu -said ,
"The Messenger - Shollallahu ' alaihi wasallam - received gift , and would not eat shodaqoh . So there is a Jewish woman who presented to him Khoibar roasted goat that had been poisoned . Then the Prophet - sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - consuming part was the goat , and the ( Companions ) are also eaten . Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - said , " Hold up your hands , because the roasted goat reported to me that he was poisoned " . Then meninggallah Bishr ibn Al - Baro ' bin Al - Anshoriy MA'rur . Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - sent ( messengers carrying letters ) , " What pushed you to do that ? " She replied , " If you are a prophet , then what I 've done will not harm you. If you are a king , then I have suffered from you man " . Then the Prophet - sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - ordered to kill her , so he was killed . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - said when his illness that caused his death , " Always I felt sick from the food I have eaten when in Khoibar . It's time to cut my neck veins " . [ HR . Abu Dawud in his Sunan ( 4512 ) . In - it - shohih Albaniy in Saheeh al - Sunan Abi Dawood ( hal.813 ) , with tahqiq Masyhur Hasan Salman ]
6 . Speaking stones
After we learned about the existence of stone greeting , then the next miracle is a stone that spoke at the end of time . If we think it is, it feels weird , but it says a Muslim must believe in all the news delivered by the Prophet - Shollallahu ' alaihi wasallam - , well that makes sense , or not . Because the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - is never talked suit his own desires , he even talked appropriate guidance revelation of God Knowing all things supernatural .
- Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - said ,
"You will fight the Jews so that one of them hiding behind a rock . Then the stone was said , "O man of God , This is the Jew behind me , then kill it " . [ HR . Al - Bukhoriy in his Saheeh ( 2767 ) , and Muslim in his Saheeh ( 2922 ) ]
Al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar - rahimahullah -said , " In this hadith there are signs of doomsday nearby , in the form of speaking inanimate objects , trees , and rocks . This hadith outward ( shows ) that the objects speak essence " . [ See Fathul Bari ( 6/610 ) ]
7 . Ants Give Command
Maybe we 've heard a fictional story about animals that talk to other animals . They're just a fictional story aka crap . But know , O reader , the real presence of the animal that speaks to other animals , and even gave the command , like a commander who gave the order . Animals who gave the command is ants . This story , as described by the Qur'an ,
" And Solomon inherited David's been , and he said : " O people , we been given understanding of the sounds of the birds and we were given everything . Indeed ( all ) It is really a real gift . " And be gathered to Solomon his army of jinn , humans and birds and they were arranged in an orderly manner ( in a row ) . Till, when they reached the valley of the ants , an ant said : O ants , enter your dwellings , that ye be not trampled by Sulayman and his troops do not menyadari.Maka he ( Solomon ) smiled, laughing Because ( listen ) ant 's words . and he prayed : " O my Lord I give inspiration to keep you grateful that Thou has bestowed upon me and to my father mother and two people to do righteous deeds that you ridhai ; , and feed me with your grace down among thy servants the pious " . ( QS.An - Naml : 16-19 ) .

Here's a few things that are more worthy of the "Seven Wonders of the World " is horrendous , and astonish all mankind . People of faith have long believed and believe these matters since the time of Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - until now . But most people did not know that matters . Therefore , we raised it to recall , and instill in the hearts of solid Aqeedah of the Muslims .

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