Kamis, 26 September 2013

10 The benefits of coffee for health

People use coffee to start the day or when they require overtime . Rare is the person who think that coffee is a healthful beverage . Though coffee can provide many benefits to the body .

A 13-year study in 402 260 people conducted by the National Cancer Institute showed that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death by 16 percent . Although drinking too much coffee can increase stress hormones , but coffee has many benefits .

Here are 10 benefits of coffee for health
1 . Prevent kidney stones
Researchers at Harvard found that women who consumed four cups of coffee a day had a 25 percent risk of kidney stones lower . Studies that have been done earlier also showed similar results .
2 . preventing depression
According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2011 showed that women who drank two to three cups of coffee per day had a 15 percent lower risk of developing depression . While women who drank four cups of coffee per day had a 20 percent risk of depression is lower .
3 . sharpen memory
Coffee could help improve long- and short -term memory . In a 2005 study conducted by the Radiological Society of North America , researchers found that consuming two caffeinated coffee can boost a person's memory and reaction speed .

Interestingly , research in 2007 found that women aged 65 years and over and drank about three cups of coffee a day have better memory and does not show memory deficits compared to women who drank one cup of coffee every day . Unfortunately this is not true for men .
4 . Lowers the risk of diabetes
The study found that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes . People who drink four cups of coffee a day had a risk of type 2 diabetes 50 percent lower . It is known through the study published in the Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry , published in early January 2012 .
5 . Reduce cancer risk
Coffee consumption is known to be associated with a reduced risk of liver cancer , breast , prostate , and diseases related to obesity , estrogen and insulin . A 2008 study in Sweden found that drinking two or three cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk or prevent breast cancer .
6 . increase metabolism
Coffee is likely to help you maintain or even lose weight . A study conducted in 2006 showed that coffee can boost your metabolism , especially in women . Green coffee beans are also known to be beneficial for weight loss .
7 . Lowers the risk of Parkinson's disease
Journal of the American Medical Association in 2000 found that the consumption of caffeine in coffee may reduce risk of Parkinson's disease . Research in 2010 also showed that drinking two to three cups of coffee per day can lower the risk of Parkinson's by 25 percent taxable .
8 . Have antioxidants
Edward Giovannucci , a Harvard research shows that coffee has much more antioxidants than most vegetables and fruits . In fact , coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in American diets .
9 . improve performance
Coffee and caffeine contained in it are known to increase performance and endurance while working . A 2008 study showed that consuming caffeine before exercise can increase activity and exercise duration .
10 . prevent gout
Research in 2007 showed that men over the age of 40 years to avoid gout with frequent consumption of coffee . Gout can occur when there is inflammation caused by high levels of uric acid crystallizes in the joints or fingers . Diligent people who drink six cups of coffee a day had a 60 percent risk of gout lower .

Those are some of the health benefits of coffee . Do not hesitate anymore to drink coffee , but also do not drink too much

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